Airedale Terrier
Kid Friendly
Low Shedding
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 20-30kg
- Height: 56-61cm
- Breed size: Large
- Lifespan: 10-13 years
- Dog breed group: Terrier
- Shed level: Low
The Airedale Terrier is the largest terrier breed and has a dense wiry outer coat and soft undercoat, and comes in combinations of black and tan.
Smart, loyal and pleasant, this breed can be obedience-trained, will do reasonably with children if socialised well (it could play too rough to begin with), and can become raucous without enough exercise.
Health problems
This dog is usually a very hardy breed, although some may suffer from eye problems, hip dysplasia and skin infections.
Airedales need a lot of daily exercise like only walks. Playing fetch and swimming is good.
Airedale Terriers have a double coat, which means they have a wiry outer coat and a softer undercoat. They don't shed much, that's why they're hypoallergenic. Their coats have some pet dander in them but If you give them a good grooming once a month, it can help cut down on allergens even more.
Twice a year they must undergo a process called "stripping" or hand-plucking, which involves pulling out the dead hairs from the coat by hand. This helps to maintain the texture and shape of the coat and promote healthy hair growth.
Living conditions
This breed needs space; it will do best with at least a large backyard.
Did you know...
The Airedale is often called 'the king of terriers'.