Kid Friendly
Good for First Time Owners
Cat Friendly
Low Maintenance
Apartment Friendly
Suited For Hot Weather
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 9-11 kgs
- Height: 33-41 cms
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Dog Breed Group: Hound
- Coat Type: Short Hair
A sturdy little hound dog that looks like a miniature Foxhound, the Beagle has wide and long low-set ears, a distinct howl or bark when it's on the hunt, and coats that come in lemon, tri-colour, black and tan, red and white, orange and white, or lemon and white colourings. Dating back to the 1500s, this breed is traditionally a pack hunting dog.
Sociable, sweet, gentle, determined and happy to see everyone, the Beagle is excellent with children and generally good with other dogs. Because they’re hunting dogs, it is not recommended that a Beagle be trusted with non-canine pets.
Health problems
Some Beagles can be prone to epilepsy, heart disease, eye and back problems. A Beagle could also be prone to dwarfism and mast cell tumors. Regularly check the ears for infection.
The Beagle needs plenty of exercise including a daily walk. Always keep this breed on a leash when exercising, otherwise it could disappear in search of wild animals.

The Beagle’s smooth short-haired double coat is easy to groom. Simply comb and brush regularly. This breed is an average shedder.
Living Environment
A Beagle will do okay in an apartment if it can get outdoors frequently. A small yard will be sufficient.
Did you know...
Daisy, John Wick's dog, whose death was the catalyst for John's revenge in the film, was a Beagle puppy.