Bearded Collie
Kid Friendly
Apartment Friendly
Low Barking
Working Dog
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 18-27kg
- Height: 51-56cm
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12-14 years
- Dog breed group: Herding
- Shed level: High
Long and lean, the Bearded Collie has a shaggy waterproof coat that hangs over the entire body. The colour changes frequently during its lifetime.
Cheerful, loving, playful and active, the Bearded Collie loves to be with people. It's known for its bounce and high-energy.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to hip dysplasia.
Give this dog at least a daily walk and regular play.
Brush the shaggy coat every day. This breed is an average shedder.
Living conditions
Apartment life is not suitable for this dog. It will do best with a lot of run-around room and make an excellent farm dog. It prefers to be outside.
Did you know...
This is one of the oldest breeds in Britain and was traditionally used as a herding sheep dog.