Kid Friendly
High Energy
Cat Friendly
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 25-32 kgs
- Height: 57-63 cm
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 10-12 years
- Dog Breed Group: Working
- Coat Type: Short Hair
Compact, powerful and well-proportioned, the Boxer has very muscled back legs, a short smooth coat and an underbite.
High-spirited, curious, playful, smart and quick to learn, a Boxer is good for competitive obedience competitions, great with children and friendly to everyone. It can be fairly boisterous.
Health problems
A Boxer can have heart problems, skin and other allergies, epilepsy, cancer and arthritis. It also may snore, drool and have gas.
This breed needs daily work or exercise and likes playing fetch.
Brush the smooth shorthaired coat regularly. This breed is average shedder.
Living Environment
A Boxer will do best with at least an average-sized backyard.
Fun Fact
The Boxer was called so because it used its front legs to bat at its opponent during dog fighting and bull baiting.