Suited For Cold Weather
High Energy
Apartment Friendly
Kid Friendly
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 14-18 kg
- Height: 43-55 cm
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Dog Breed Group: Non-Sporting
- Coat Type: Double Coat
The Keeshond looks a lot like the Samoyed. Its feet have catlike feet, and a straight harsh outer coat that comes in varying shades of grey and stands out from the body. At the beginning of the French Revolution, the Keeshond was the symbol of the Dutch Patriot political party.
Active, friendly, smart, and full of personality, the Keeshond can be trained to perform and needs to feel a part of the family. This breed likes to bark so be sure to tell it when it should stop.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to hip dysplasia, skin problems and heart disease.
Take the Keeshond on a daily walk to keep it healthy and fit.
Daily brushing is important. The dense undercoat is shed heavily twice a year in spring and autumn.
Living Environment
This dog will be fine in an apartment or larger. It doesn't like the heat very much due to its thick coat.