Norwegian Elkhound
Kid Friendly
Suited For Cold Weather
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 20-25 kilograms
- Height: 46-52 centimeters
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Dog breed group: Hound group
- Shed level: Moderate
The Norwegian Elkhound is medium-sized, sturdy and Spitz-like; it has a high-set tail that is tightly curled over the back; it has a very thick weather-resistent double coat; and has grey colouring with black tips and a lighter undercoat and tip of the tail. Puppies are born black and get lighter as their coat develops.
Alert, loyal, friendly, energetic and good with kids, the Norwegian Elkhound is fairly independent and can be quite hard to train. This breed likes to bark a lot, and need a lot of exercise to avoid becoming highly strung.
Health Problems
This breed can be prone to hip dysplasia, pyotraumatic dermatitis and PRA. Fanconi syndrome is occasionally seen in this dog, and it puts on weight easily so avoid overfeeding.
The Norwegian Elkhound is very energetic and needs at least an hour of exercise every day. It likes to roam so if it picks up an interesting scent it may ignore you in favour of it.
The coat should be brushed regularly, and dead hair should be regularly removed when the dog is moulting. This breed does not have a doggy smell, and is a seasonally heavy shedder.
Living Environment
The Norwegian Elkhound will do best with at least a large backyard but will do okay in an apartment if it gets enough exercise. It prefers colder climates.
Fun Fact
The Norwegian Elkhound originated in Scandinavia and is one of the most ancient breeds.