Old English Sheepdog
Kid Friendly
Easy to Train
High Maintenance
Working Dog
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 27–45 kilograms
- Height: 56–61 centimeters
- Breed size: Large
- Lifespan: 10–12 years
- Dog breed group: Herding dog
- Shed level: High
Strong, compact and square, the Old English Sheepdog has a shaggy double coat that's long and textured. It comes in various shades of grey, blue and white. Traditionally the coats were sheared to make warm clothing and blankets.
Loving, friendly, adaptable and smart, the Old English Sheepdog makes a great family companion and is good with kids.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to IMHA, hip dysplasia and cataracts.
This dog loves hard work and a good run-around. They need at least a daily walk and play off the leash.
Brush the long coat at least twice a week to prevent matting. This breed sheds a small amounts consistently.
Living Environment
Apartment living is fine if it gets enough exercise
Fun Fact
The Old English Sheepdog has long been the face of paint company 'Dulux'