Portuguese Water Dog
Kid Friendly
Easy to Train
Low Shedding
Apartment Friendly
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 16–27 kilograms (35–60 pounds)
- Height: 43–57 centimeters (17–22 inches)
- Breed size: Medium to Large
- Lifespan: 10–14 years
- Dog breed group: Working dog
- Shed level: Low to moderate
The Portuguese Water Dog loves water and has webbed feet and a single-layered thick coat that could be curly or wavy.
Funny, lively, affectionate and excellent with kids, the Portuguese Water Dog has a high stamina and a great sense of smell. It's faithful, obedient and loves being in the water.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to hip dysplasia, PRA and GM-1 Storage Disease, a fatal nerve disease.
This dog needs a lot of daily vigorous exercise to stay properly stimulated. It loves to play fetch in the water and would make a great jogging companion.
Brush the coat regularly. This breed sheds little to no hair.
Living conditions
Apartment living is okay if it gets a lot of exercise, and is far happier when it's close to its family.
Fun Fact
In Portugal this dog is called the Cao de Agua, or 'dog of water'.