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Suited For Hot Weather

High Energy

Low Shedding

Apartment Friendly


Breed Snapshot:

  • Weight: 16-29 kgs
  • Height: 58-71 cms
  • Breed Size: Large
  • Lifespan: 12-14 years
  • Dog Breed Group: Hound
  • Coat Type: Short Hair


Also known as the Gazelle Hound, the Saluki is a slim dog that looks a lot like a greyhound. This breed has a long well-feathered tail, a short silky coat with long feathering features on the ears, and coat colours that come in white, cream, fawn, golden, red, grizzle and tan, black and tri-colour. This dog has an unusual gait when at top speed: all four legs are in the air at the same time.


This breed is gentle, friendly, devoted, good with children and may become quite attached to one person. It doesn't like harsh discipline.

Health problems

The Saluki is prone to some genetic eye diseases and cancer. Beware of too much sun exposure, especially on the nose.


The Saluki is a natural athlete that needs a lot of daily exercise. A good way to exercise them is to have them run alongside a bicycle.


This dog is odour-free and requires just the occasional brushing to stay in good condition. This breed is an average shedder.

Living conditions

This breed should sleep indoors but isn't suited for apartment living. It prefers warmer climates.


The Saluki, also called the Gazelle Hound, is native to Turkey and is the royal dog of Egypt. Their bodies were often found mummified alongside bodies of ancient Pharaohs.

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