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Dog Harnesses

A dog harness is a versatile piece of kit for dog owners and is great to have as well as their regular dog collar. A dog harness fits around your dog's chest and legs distributing the pressure more evenly across their body making it more comfortable when they are restrained in the car, simply going on their daily walk, or going for an adventure.


There are many styles on the market including standard harnesses that are ideal for smaller dogs, step in harnesses that are best for dogs who don’t like it being pulled over their head, front clip or no-pull harnesses that help to train dogs to stop pulling on the lead, and dog car harnesses and car restraints that are designed to keep your dog safe in the car.


Measuring your dog will help you find the right size dog harness that is comfortable for them. Not too tight, but not loose enough they can wriggle out.


Find out more by checking out our dog harness blog.