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Pro Plan

Pro Plan dog and cat food was launched in 1986 and quickly rocketed to success as the first super premium pet food to be sold exclusively to veterinarians and pet, feed, and supply stores. The Pro Plan brand was also the first and only full line life-stage specialty pet food products to use real chicken as the number one ingredient.

Pro Plan is specially formulated to bolster your cat or dog's key protective systems. The immune system, digestive system and skin and coat system. It also supplies energy and provides the building blocks of good health.

Made from real chicken, salmon, lamb or turkey Pro Plan is tailored to meet all your pets needs. Pro Plan protects while it nourishes. Available in a range of life stage and lifestyle varieties.

Benefits of Pro Plan:

  • Made from only the highest quality ingredients
  • Promotes healthy skin and coat
  • Uses Vitamin E as a natural preservative
  • Contains no artificial colourings